Thursday, July 9, 2015

Worldly Bondages And Salvation

Because of the eight types of bondages which a man feels on this earth, the soul is also known as "Jiva". The Jiva becomes liberated only after becoming free from these eight bondages.

These eight bondages are -
1. Nature
2. Intelligence
3. Ego
       and Panchatanmatras i.e.
4. Sound
5. Touch
6. Appearance
7. Taste
8. Smell.

"Each soul is binded by these eight aspects of the Nature. The actions performed as the result of these bondages is called Karma.A man reaps the fruits of his actions- whether good or evil. He either enjoys pleasures or suffers because of sorrow, due to this Karma."

The soul takes rebirth in a cyclic was binded by the effects of his Karmas. The eight Chakra' are nothing but the eight forms of the nature. Shiva is beyond the reach of these eight chakras, on the contrary he has full control these eight chakras.


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